Introduction of Tasks

Production Management/Monitoring

  • Manage and Improve capacity/yield ratio/operating ratio/overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
  • Develop production plans, Manage performance, Manage optimized production lines

Process/Element Technology

  • Develop/Support/Diffuse new process technology at home and abroad
  • Manufacturing Intelligence (MI) related DX activities

Facility Technology

  • Equipment(Electrode,Assembly,Formation,FA,Pack) Develop/Expand/Stabilization
  • Equipment Intelligence/CBM/PHM, Automation Technology

Production Infrastructure

  • Establish and Standardize Energy
    Management Systems (EMS)
  • Electricity/Utilities/Public Affairs/Construction


  • Quality control/assurance about develop/mass
    product and customer
  • Establish/perform the quality strategy and system
  • Monitor and improve the quality
    of domestic/overseas