The Logo refers to the combination of the Symbol Mark and Logotype that serves to identify LG Energy Solution in all forms of communications.
The Symbol Mark cannot be used alone.

Color System
The Logo must be rendered only in designated colors, LG Red and LG Gray. LG Gray, LG Black, LG Silver and LG Gold can be applied only when it is deemed necessary to deliver a premium image. Other colors cannot be used.
- LG Red
- Pantone 207C
C0 M100 Y62 K22
R165 G0 B52
- LG Gray
- C0 M0 Y0 K70
R107 G107 B107
- LG Gray
- Pantone 877C
- LG Gold
- Pantone 872C
- LG Black
- C0 M0 Y0 K100
Corporate logo of LG Energy Solution is protected under the Trademarks Law. Infringement such as plagiarism or misuse without prior consultation can be punished according to the law of the pertinent country.