Credit Rating Agency Credit Rating Outlook Year
Domestic Korea Investors Service AA Stable 2023
NICE Investors Service AA Stable 2023
Overseas S&P BBB+ Stable 2023
Moody's Baa1 Stable 2023
S&P BBB+ Positive 2022
Moody's Baa1 Stable 2022

Domestic Credit Rating Definition

AAA The highest likelihood of honoring financial obligations.
AA Very high likelihood of honoring financial obligations, but slightly lower than AAA.
A High likelihood of honoring financial obligations, but susceptible to changes in circumstances and in economic conditions.
BBB Moderate likelihood of honoring financial obligations, but more likely to be impaired by adverse economic conditions or changes in circumstances.
BB Some uncertainty over the likelihood of honoring financial obligations and speculative elements.
B Substantial uncertainty over the likelihood of honoring financial obligations and more speculative than BB.
CCC High risk of default on financial obligations and questionable likelihood of honoring financial obligations.
CC Very high risk of default on financial obligations and extremely low likelihood of honoring financial obligations.
C Extremely high risk of default on financial obligations and lack of likelihood of honoring financial obligations.
D Default.

* '+' or '-' modifier can be attached to ratings through AA to B to differentiate ratings within broader rating categories.

Overseas Credit Rating Definition

AAA Aaa Judged to be of the highest quality, with minimal risk
AA+/AA/AA- Aa1/Aa2/Aa3 Judged to be of high quality and subject to very low credit risk
A+/A/A- A1/A2/A3 Considered upper medium-grade and subject to low credit risk
BBB+/BBB/BBB- Baa1/Baa2/Baa3 Subject to moderate credit risk and considered medium-grade
BB+/BB/BB- Ba1/Ba2/Ba3 Judged to have speculative elements and subject to substantial credit risk
B+/B/B- B1/B2/B3 Considered speculative and subject to high credit risk
CCC+/CCC/CCC- Caa1/Caa2/Caa3 Judged to poor standing and subject to very high credit risk
CC Ca Likely in, or very near, default, with some prospect of recovery in principal and interest
C C Expected to have lower relative seniority or lower ultimate recovery compared with obligations
that are rated higher
D - In Default or in breach of an imputed promise

* Ratings may be modifed by addition of a plus '+' and minus '-' sign (S&P) and 1, 2 and 3(Moody's) to show relative standing within the rating categories.